International RSSU Chess Cup

Moscow Open 2014

January 31 - February 10







Генеральный партнер РШФ

Партнер ШФМ






Alexander Grischuk: The Moscow Championship Superfinal Completed The Chain Of Victories

February 2, 2014
Alexander Grischuk: The Moscow Championship Superfinal Completed The Chain Of Victories

On Jan 31 Alexander Grischuk added the Moscow Championship Superfinal Cup to his trophy collection. Alexander took the victory with the dignity and calmness characteristic of a grandmaster having a great number of titles.  We congratulated the winner and asked him to answer several questions.

- Alexander, is it hard playing as the rating favorite?
- It’s not for the first time in my life, so it's nothing special for me. But it is always a pleasure to maintain my status.

- What does the victory in the Moscow Cup Superfinals mean for you?
- The meaning of this victory is quite symbolic for me. I have noticed a very amusing consistent pattern. Usually all people move from the bottom to the top. But with me, I became an Olympiad champion first, then a European champion, then a Russian champion and now for the first time in my life I have become a champion of Moscow. So the chain of victories is completed.

- Truly, quite interesting. So is this your first time at RSSU?
- I have come several times to support my chessplayer friends, but this is my first time playing in RSSU. The only disadvantage for me was a ban on smoking on the university campus as I’m a smoker. I had to run off campus  during the short breaks between the rounds. As for the rest I have only positive emotions about the organization and holding of the tournament.

- Which of your Superfinals games do you like best?
- Two games: Grachev and Popov. I quickly got a big advantage in both games; they finished up quite nicely.

- Can you tell us about your plans for the future?
- I played too much last year, so now my main goal is to do nothing. I had enough in me for a two-day competition, but anything longer will have to wait.

Questions were asked by Anna Kaliaeva